Super Glue: The Breakfast of Champions

There we were, about to sit down to Bud’s birthday dinner and all I had left to do was make the garlic bread. Instead, I sliced the tip of my thumb mostly off. I was using this incredibly sharp and big professional bread knife that I just had sharpened- I bring the knife down from Chicago because I use it to slice felt cane “buttons.”  After I stopped hopping around and whooping, I considered going to the hospital for stitches because they were obviously in order. But there was Bud, on his last night here and Abby (egging me on to the hospital) and Misha, standing by and observing in his quiet Russian fashion. And then I considered that we are without health insurance and, while the cobra clock is ticking, nothing is in place at the moment.  The next plan was to tape it back together- after all, there was nothing remotely jagged about the cut. A quick, clean slice. Hurt like a mo  After bleeding through a couple towels and about a dozen bandages of all shapes and sizes- butterfly, knuckle, big, little- I finally stemmed the flow of blood long enough to get to the dinner table and every one was well into their spaghetti sauce before it started up again. Somewhere in there Misha said quietly, “glue it.” What? “Use glue. It will work.”

Those Ruskies are a clever lot. Further internet research revealed that Super Glue is, in fact, a not uncommon solution to cuts, esp. for those rugged types like backpackers and construction workers and soldiers. I’m not sure it’s meant for reattaching parts but I just want to report that I believe it is working. This is not certain because I have about 8 layers of bandaids also securing the whole mess but after a thorough rinse in hydrogen peroxide hurt like a mo, Super Glue, neosporin and a big wad of latex, I believe the fix is sticking. I’ll check later today, after a glass of wine.

I’m thinking that a little book of home remedies and alternatives to seeing the doctor could be a big seller until we get this national health insurance situation sorted out.


knife1(The offending weapon. I hope there’s no wool lint in this cut.)

In other news, Bud has flown back to Lost Loon Lodge in time for another 6-8 inches of snow, but he called to report that the car started right up and he was home safe and sound. We had a great visit, mostly visiting on the porch and eating in. We went to see the manatee a few times. He really loves the manatee. We went down to Boyd Hills and I took him and my brother on their own private tram tour, pointing out gators, gopher tortoises, ospreys on nests and snakes. Now I’m enjoying a few low key days of quiet and getting ready to teach a felting class. We also have a wildlife weekend coming up at Boyd Hills and I’ll be giving tours and working at the aviary. We’re going to be doing a little fund raising, selling screech owl boxes. I’m also making some of these little needle felted owls to donate but it’s a bit awkward with this thumb deal.


(They’re Great Horned Owls. Use your imagination.)

Coming round. I keep looking for my dung beetle buddy, in particular. Rabbit, rabbit?

22 responses to “Super Glue: The Breakfast of Champions

  1. I hope the digit heals well, super glue and all. I have heard of its being used in similar situations.

    Love your little owls. Have a good week.

  2. You are so talented! (In many ways.) I love your creations and am glad your finger is fixed.

  3. Damn, that sounds like a bad cut. Hope the super-glue works. I’ve heard of that intervention before. Good luck with it. A home remedy book is a grand idea for these times. I think there are probably already a few out there.

  4. Bubo virginianus!

  5. You’re a mess!
    Super glue? I suppose your nail gun was broken.

    Please be careful.

  6. Sheesh! You are one tough mama to glue your own thumb back together! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.

    I have an eastern screech owl that has taken up residence in our backyard. We have put up a screech owl house, but he (I’m assuming he’s a he, we named him Spock) seems to like roosting in our pine – every day. Anything I can do to make the house appealing for a pair to give us owlets?

  7. amarkonmywall

    Bev- You , too. Stay warm. My neighbor was walking his dog in something akin to a snow suit. You Floridians!

    Hi Amy!

    Robin- I rarely have a novel thought so I suspect you’re right. Rich’s book is out the end of the week and I’m so anxious to get my hands on a copy.

    Bonnie- Surely there must be an asana that helps with partial amputations…

    FC- I did seriously consider stitching it myself but just couldn’t stand the pain. 😉

    Val- He-or she- may be looking for a mate before setting up housekeeping. They are not migrators so if he’s in your tree every day, he’s living in the area. Depending on where you are (I’ll come by and see!) it’s getting to be nesting season. Ours have twine around the inside perch and they seem to really like that because they shred it up and use it as nesting stuff. Is your screech owl more red than brown? The rufous or red phase owls like pine trees for camouflage against the bark.

  8. Thanks for the answer! Here is a post with his picture, he’s rufous I think.
    On my blog, the label “in my backyard” I have several pictures. We are in North Cental Texas.

    Again, thanks!

  9. Vicki, super glue is great for that. I just hope that you can retain some feeling in that tip after it heals. I’m sorry you did that (I’ve done it too).

  10. Sorry you sliced the finger… I would tell you my slice them story… but perhaps it would be to gross… (literally) for public consumption.

  11. Yep. We’ve gone the super glue route, too. Husband’s idea – husband’s finger. Engineers are like that.

    The owls are adorable. My husband liked to take our son at an early age and his pals to old barns on friend’s property and open owl pelts for them. Big time entertainment to the little dudes.

  12. Well, surgeons use glue–why not you?
    Just send yourself a REALLY big bill.

  13. Husband uses super glue all the time. He can’t stand sitting in the doctor’s waiting room. Hope you are having a good rest in between all those activites.

  14. Hey, it was really cold at 5:30 this morning! Wind chill in the 20s in Orlando in March? That’s freak weather! I walked Murphy in my fuzzy robe, warmed by my heated resentment and fervent cursing. You have to remember that those of us who live here year round don’t own the clothes for a wind chill in the 20s. I hope the Superglue holds and the wound heals swiftly.

  15. Ouch! I’ve heard of using Super Glue before, but I’m pretty sure I’d glue a couple of fingers together. I’ve never been very good with the stuff. Where is Hoss? I’ve been concerned too; his blog isn’t the same and he hasn’t been around. You haven’t heard from him either?

  16. My friend just had neck surgery (replacement disc) they sewed up the inside with dissoluble stitches and glued the outside with surgeon’s glue.

    Love your owls. They are spectacular!

  17. Oh my… what big feet they have! The owls are gorgeous. Hope the glue holds for you.

  18. is there a teaching hospital nearby? I’ll pay $100 for you to go.

    Arby’s has chain mail gloves they make people wear when cleaning the meat slicer. I’ll see if I can buy you some.



  19. gah! Hope the glue holds. Love the owls. Love you.

  20. I can’t seem to post on Gene’s b**g. Would you try for me, Vicki?

    I have a female guardian angel. She has freckles on her but…she’s nice.

    I loathe rabbit jokes almost as much as I like Gene!

    Someone’s praying Lord;
    Come by Hoss!


  21. OMG, Vicki, you’re giving me the creeps. But welcome to the “not allowed to play with sharp objects” club.

  22. I’m very late with my concerned clucking but:

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