
Country Mouse turned City Mouse, waiting to move back again. Wife to an opposite personality: he is calm and steady and focused and works as a consultant in strategy and research for MLB, NCAA, NFL, ESPN, and major event marketing. I am a retired psychotherapist, after 35 years, and now happily ensconced at the Lincoln Park Zoo as a docent and zoo educator. I am a fiber artist and teacher, working predominantly in the area of felting. He is more rational, I am intuitive but also practical and we bring balance to each other. Mother of two nearly perfect children- a musician son and a mermaid daughter, both starter people in their own right, out discovering the world. The icing on the cake? two lovely step-daughters!  We live in Chicago but spend some months each year tucked into a bungalow in historic Old NorthEast St. Petersburg. There, I work at Boyd Hill Nature Preserve, in raptor rehabilitation and giving tram tours out and among the alligators. I spend inordinate amounts of time fondling wool and transforming it from fleece to felt.  I read and write, process wool and make felted creations, garden, dream and dawdle, weave, knit, cook. All pursuits are works in progress. I like catch and release fly fishing-I don’t catch much but I tie beautiful flies! I practice yoga, not very well. I struggle with inconsistency in focusing my energy and time and I procrastinate a bit much.

It seems as though the first 56 years were all about the foundation and structure and now I can begin on the aesthetics. For me these include becoming more environmentally aware, eating in a local and responsible fashion and creating a center of peace and calm within myself that just might spread far enough to influence a few others. I want to spend more time with an eye towards a macro look at the lives with whom we share this planet- creatures and plants. Perhaps I’ll take a photograph or two.

UPDATE 10/1/2010 Hello from Asheville! We left Chicago a while back and we’re now right where we want to be: most of the time perched on the side of a mountain just south of Asheville, NC and those really cold months? In St. Petersburg where I am teaching fiber arts at The Morean Arts Center. In North Carolina we share our territory with many birds and deer, 3 bears (a mother and two cubs this year) and we enjoy a big garden full of tomatoes. I spend more and more time working in the world of wool and fiber, primarily teaching and creating felt.



On FaceBook: Vicki Bennett-Luker

19 responses to “About/Contact

  1. I love your writing. And the pictures of the different woman. Everything seemed very real. You have some very good thoughts. So think on and write on.


  2. I sure do love reading everything you write and your photos! AH! Stunning to say the least! I sure do miss you! Maybe we need to work on rescheduling that roadtrip to Chicago we had planned for last year????

  3. If you get an opportunity, spend a Saturday in St. Augustine – starting at the farmers market at the Amphitheatre – and you’ll discover some of the “local” versions of datil delight. There’s a datil and sour orange spice that turns roasted chicken into heaven on earth. Also, in the spring visit the feed and seed stores outside of town for datil plants – much easier than trying to germinate the seeds yourself.

  4. I love your site!

    Experiencing a slow PC recently? Fix it now!

  5. What a wonderful blog you have!

  6. so part of the time, you’re only a couple of hours from me? huh. wanna grab lunch some day?

  7. I’m interested in a wet felting class. Where do you hold these classes and when? I live outside of Atlanta, GA.


  8. Vicki,

    Your polar bear is beautiful!

    We haven’t met, but I am so glad to have come across your blog. Thank you so much for posting your experience with Mohs. I was very apprehensive about my upcoming surgery until I read your blog, but the photos and your comments helped to sooth my fears. Maybe I, too, will come home with a nose. You gave me hope. Many blessings to you. –Susan, in the TN mountains

  9. Vicki. I have signed up for your needle felting and flower workshops in St Petersburg. While you are in FL, do you have your schedule for other workshops in the area? Love your work!

  10. I loved reading about and seeing your MOHS surgery on your nose. I am having it in 12 days, followed by Plastic Surgery. I am 68.
    I notice a photo of you in Rockport, MA. I live near there.
    Your story helped me decide to use Xanax, although the say Ativan. I don’t know which would be better. I am very anxious and your story helped!


  11. Hoping this gets to you!?
    Love your magic!
    I have been trying to find someone to teach me how to make felted flower brooches, similar to the flowers you have made.
    Would you be interested in showing me how to make some felt wool type flowers?? I would be happy to pay you for your time and expertise.
    Very best of wishes

  12. I am looking for wet felting classes for beginners in FL. I live in Bonita Springs (just north of Naples). Willing to travel a bit for classes. Would love to learn Nuno.

  13. vicki …
    a great blog !

    ( see my comment in the little piece about “hot air”

    see you in the neighbor hood.

  14. Veronica A Rance

    I have signed up for your class this weekend in St. Petersburg. We just officially moved into our home in Bonita Springs in late October. The house is still quite disorganized, but we love it! I’ve been trying to find out if it will be necessary for me to bring supplies for the class. Hope you’ll have all we need. Please advise.

  15. Bari Horisberger

    A group of alpaca breeders are putting together a weekend of learning how to use alpaca fiber in projects. If you are at all interested please email me or call me and I’ll tell you more.
    Callaway Gardens in GA Sept 14-16 2012.

  16. I found your blog from a link about Picato. Was wondering if you used it and wanted to read your posts about it. I will be starting it and wanted all info I could find.

  17. i want ti see albert einstein casket but no pictures wont show

  18. im like doing a reserch on albert einstein and i cant find his casket or the color i cant fiinid nothing man that part is soo…. hard to find ughhhhh… grrrr.. but im not ganna give up im ganna keep looking to i fiiind it i will find it in the website if it take me hours im ganna find it definaly i will find it iom not that kind of person that just give up im ganna find it avitually wish me gud look thank you thank you ur so sweet

  19. Please put me on your mailing list for classes. do you ever get to Charleston,SC?

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